Friday, January 4, 2013


CJ's my little acrobat. I telll him he should work for Circque du Soleil one day. He's always trying to do crazy stunts. Here's one at dinner time, since he'd rather do anything but eat dinner. 
Here's Payton's penguin move, ha ha. He's much less of a dare devil.
B lovin this big dog
The kids sitting in the driveway, waiting for daddy to get home. (I think they finally gave up after waiting like 45min...)
Had a groupon to the Phx museum, and we had a blast.
(Plus, this cute girl gave Brooklyn a ride since Payt and CJ wouldn't)

B's first piggytails! Momentous occasion!

Love this cute skirt I got for Brooklyn!
Veteran's day parade, and Brook learned how to put her hand over her heart
The boys sitting up front, enjoying it, plus any candy they could aquire.
Their favorite "float"
Look at that cute little piece of wood :) I think I'll take her home.
Our first fire in our new home, thanks to Grandpa Freeman. Plus, he was so cute and gave an FHE lesson for the kids about house fires, smoke detectors, got a blanket to demonstrate crawling under the smoke, etc.
We had fun at the library. B loved these cute little chairs.
When I asked her where CJ went, she made this adorable face with her hands in an "i don't know" position, ha ha :)
CJ got excited to see Santa's sleigh at Home Depot

Tum-a-lum on Grandpa Beazer's lap :)
She kept turning around, getting dizzy, and falling down. Silly girl.
We were at Emily's, and it cracked me up that Brooklyn climbed backwards on the quad, and drove around that way, laughing.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the little tiny pig tails! ha ha. So cute. Every time I see your blog I just remember again how lucky your kids are to have you as their mom!
