Saturday, April 19, 2014

January part 2

Hole in the Rock:
Saturday the 18th, we did a family hike up Hole in the Rock. It's started to become a fun tradition that my kids enjoy. 

Payton wanted to bring his own camera and so we took a picture of each other taking a picture :)

I only have a few heart attacks during the hike, because of kids too close to the edge, but so far, we haven't had any casualties!
Hi Warren way up high above us in the hole!
Casey and the boys waving to us from the top.
This was such a cute picture that Lindy decided to draw it later. Love her talent!

We went for pizza after, and even Brooklyn could tell that it was an extremely long wait time, to get our food. But we enjoyed the company and tried not to drive all the other customers out from the noise of all the grandkids! :)
A pile of leaves at G&G Freeman's just waiting to be played in.

 The boys took a once a week karate class from Oct-Jan and learned lots of things. Although it wasn't as much kicking/punching/hi-ya-ing as they thought it would be, I certainly was impressed with it. (It was the cheapest, so you never know what you're going to get.) Each week they had homework, and it was things like: memorize your parents cell phone numbers, your address, be able to write your parents name down, practice using a pay phone, what to do if you get lost in a grocery store, what to do if a car approaches/grabs you, what to do if you get trapped in the trunk of a car, etc. I thought it might scare them a little bit, but it got us talking matter-of-factly about things that can, but hopefully never will happen. They learned all kind of ways to get out of being grabbed. Whether someone grabs 1 of your wrists, or both, or bear hugs you from behind, etc. I loved that it could be applied to real life if they ever were in a situation where they needed these skills.

They also got to do fun things for warm up like drag each other on the floor in a race, and chase each other with pool noodles :)

They graduated and got tested to see which belt they earned.
Payton got a yellow belt with a green stripe (which means he knew all the yellow belt material, plus 50% of the next belt up). CJ got yellow with a black stripe, for knowing all the yellow stuff, plus 25% of the next level up.)
They enjoyed it, but we're still at the stage of trying a bunch of different new things, so we didn't sign up for the next session.

Kid's Club:
 More kids' club fun! My little chick-fil-a cow :)


January part 1

New Year's Day:
 Since we spent the night at the Davis' we got to hang out for most of the next day there too.
then later that evening, we went to Zach and Liz Allen's home to ride horses and barbeque.
It was neat seeing the almost completed temple right behind their property.

And a few sparklers to top the night off :)
Payton's Field Trip:
I got to go with Payton's class on his field trip to the Halle Heart Museum.
It was pretty cool.
They learned about how exercise is good for the heart,
what the functions of the heart are,
how hearts sound/work in both big and small animals,
and how to take care of your heart by eating healthy and not smoking.
I think the kids had fun!
 Martin Luther King Day parade:

It was fun to see our friend Alex Finter on the firetruck, since he is almost the new Mayor.
Our favorites were the double decker bus,
and the parade of "Fillmores" (from the movie Cars)
A few other random January pictures:
 Brooklyn  moved out of her crib and into a big girl bed. I kept dreading and postponing it because I expected it to be hard and horrible (for me!) but she did great!

We celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary with a super fancy afternoon movie, dinner and bahama bucks, oh and a quick trip to Walmart and Home Depot, ha ha :)
Doesn't matter what we do, it's always fun with this guy around. Glad he's mine.
He got me a beautiful necklace and Pandora bracelet and drew this awesome picture of us by our first 2 houses; our Kimball home and Colorado trailer. Cool huh?!?

Brooklyn found some new buddies at Marshall's, but was bummed to not get to keep them.
She did however have some playdates with Paige, while her mommy was on bedrest.
Grandma Lindy drew this picture of Brooklyn holding a guinea pig, on the bean bag (or mashed potato as we call it) in her jammies one evening.
I also love this beautiful one she did of Mabry.
We got to celebrate my mom's birthday and have her over for dinner and dessert pizza!