Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Always such a fun, busy month:
With a few santa visits,
Bas Pro 
 Payton's school
Ward Party

(Brooklyn was pretty scared of Santa, and would either cry or not get near him. I think we had seen him twice, and I was trying to whisper to payton that we were "going to go see..." and I stopped when I saw Brook looking at me. She must've known what I was going to say, because she said, "Santa??? Again?!?!" so annoyed, ha ha. It was hilarious.
 Freeman Family Party
The kids were so adorable,

and it cracked me up that even though Brooklyn was an angel, she desperately wanted to hold a "baa baa" the whole time :)

 Donuts with Santa at Hermosa Vista
The kids were playing out back one morning and when I looked out the window, they had dragged the bench out into the grass and were all sitting on it so nicely. Gotta capture those rare moments :)
 This was so funny to me. Brook and I were at the store, and when we came across this little sign, she exclaimed, "Oh no! Those beans got stuck in that cookie!!" ha ha. I'm pretty sure she's eaten plenty of M&M's in her life, but she still calls them beans, silly girl. 
 Casey took this cool cloudy picture of Payton throwing a paper airplane after church.
Grandma Lindy drew this picture of Brooklyn as a sheep in the Blake family party.
After Christmas, here are the kids posing with their gifts from Tio Heath and Tia Soraia.
Payton built his Lego creations that he got for Christmas.
 Brooklyn helping me advertise that we had 2 guinea pigs looking for a new home :)
Took a fun couple of trips to Bounce U

 There was a free kid event at the dinosaur museum. We went along with Kim, her sister Candice, Emily, Lia and all the kids.
They had crafts,

we got to meet Princess Belle
(It was cute that Brooklyn went up to her and said, "my name is Belle too")

And after we got to explore the museum for free. So fun!


Christmas Day:
Well this was the most exciting part of my Christmas Morning :)
I got my IUD out on Oct 1st, had 2 periods that month, and was hoping to be pregnant by March, since it usually takes us about 6 months. But after having no period in Nov or Dec, thinking I had the "flu" for a couple weeks, I tried to break my denial and take a test.
Turns out it was positive because I was like 9 weeks pregnant!
 I made the boys superhero aprons, in hopes that they'd be happier to help me more in the kitchen :)
Here they are in superhero poses.
Sporting her new necklace. When she opened it, she said, "wow! It's my pretty necklace!"

Brooklyn loving her new jeep

New boots from Grandma and Grandpa!

Everett brought 2 swim suits so he and CJ could do the Polar Bear. After some hesitation beforehand, and crying from the freezing water afterwards, they did it!!

modeling our cute headwraps from Em
Lance and McKane modeling less cute stuff, ha ha.
Nothing made Brooklyn sad that I could figure out, but I saw her go sit and put her head in her hands, like she was pouting or sad, and it was just so dang adorable. Then she got right up afterward, smiling and fine. Silly girl.
New Year's Eve:
 We partied it up at Em and McKane's house. Tons of fun, and probably the most entertaining was watching those who participated in the Just Dance wii game.
The kids did a few dances,
and the men did a Lady Gaga song too, which was pure AWESOME. However, Casey and McKane might kill me if I put up the video, ha ha. Loved it :)
Sparklers and fireworks! So fun!
 To top it off, our family got to spend the night.
Happy New Year!
(4 months late, ha ha)

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